Bridge Builders - Spring 2024

Bridge Builders - Spring 2024


A 7-week Inclusive Leadership & Conflict Resolution Training Program designed to empower you to break cycles of division, turn conflict into connect, and be the type of leader you want to see in the world right now.

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In this 7-week experience, you will:

  • Learn the 7 Skills for Challenging Conversations and apply them to improve a real-life working relationship or sticky situation you are experiencing at work

  • Learn our top 6 inclusive leadership and facilitation tools to address conflict and challenging workplace dynamics

  • Understand the concept of inheritance and the 5 Cs of Identity (Country, Culture, Creed, Color and Class) and their relationship to your role as a leader

  • Examine and transform inherited beliefs that inhibit you as a leader or contribute to unproductive team dynamics

  • Develop greater awareness of and empathy for the ways in which individuals' inheritance and identity influence their perspective and experience

  • Access an on-going community of practice & accountability with a vast network of visionary leaders across the U.S.

  • Receive a LinkedIn certification upon completion of all course requirements

What’s Included?

  • 4 Live 2-hour Virtual Training Sessions over the course of 10 weeks, focused on inclusive leadership and facilitation tools to address conflict and challenging workplace dynamics

  • 3 Live 1-1.5 hours Integration Sessions in between each Training Session so you can ask questions and receive “hot seat” coaching on real-life situations you are facing. 

In addition to attending the live sessions listed above, you will also spend time on individual self-reflection exercises and integration work to put the tools and skills you learn into practice. This includes:

Self-Reflection: Leadership and facilitation require self-awareness. Throughout the program you will complete reflection exercises that will also introduce some of the core themes and frameworks of the program. You will have lifetime access to our online learning portal and can return to these prompts again and again into the future.

Somatic Practices: Throughout the program, you learn specific somatic practices such as breathwork and mindfulness, to support you to reprogram your neural pathways and nervous system, and make changes to the way you lead, communicate and work. 

Integration Practices: After each session, you will be invited to use a specific tool or behavior in a real-life situation. During our Integration Sessions you will have the opportunity to debrief on the experience and receive “hot seat” coaching to help you better integrate what you learn into your daily way of working, until it becomes second nature. 

Pod Groups: During the program, you will be assigned to a pod (a group of 3-4 participants. Your pod will be your community for support and accountability throughout the program.  You will exchange insights and learnings from your reflections, encourage each other and practice new skills together. 


This program was not created by corporate trainers, and will be a breath of fresh air if you’re used to traditional “leadership training”. Our co-founders and facilitators are a multicultural team of experience designers who bring together various skills, expertise, and perspectives to create a process unlike any you’ve experienced before.⁠

Our team draws upon the fields of education, mindfulness and meditation, theater and movement, executive strategy, creative problem solving, healing arts, game design, non-violent communication, and more.

Our methodology builds inclusive leaders with strong communication and conflict resolution skills through Experiential & Embodied Learning as well as Somatic & Nervous System Integration with a Focus on Inclusion & Belonging. Read more by pressing the “+” sign below.

  • The term 'somatic' means relating to the body, especially as distinct from the mind.

    If we consciously or subconsciously perceive a situation, person, or conflict as a threat, our nervous system will activate a sympathetic response. This sympathetic response or “survival mode” evolved to help us survive and keep us safe by quickly identifying and reacting to threats in our environment. While this can be very useful to keep us safe from harm, the reactions of our nervous system can also sometimes get in the way of us fully understanding and empathizing with others.

    When we approach our greatest challenges, such as disagreements with a boss or colleague, with intention and learn how to regulate our nervous systems, we give ourselves the opportunity to turn challenging conversations into meaningful connections.

    Each week you will receive a different ~5 min somatic practice, to practice every day that week. These practices will help you strengthen and align your body, mind, and energy for leadership (and life). These guided video practices may involve breathing exercises, physical warm-ups, and other meditative practices.

  • DEIB stands for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging. Many leadership programs are taught from the perspective of dominant workplace norms in the US, and fail to give leaders the skills to collaborate with the incredible variety of humans present in our diverse workplaces.

    At the same time, many DEIB programs are missing the mark. For example, one of the most popular DEIB training solutions is implicit bias training. However, a growing body of research shows that this is ineffective in actually reducing bias and can actually serve to increase bias and create more division in the workplace.

    We invite you to pause and reflect…

    Do you ever feel like you're being judged or stereotyped by your coworkers or managers?⁠

    Do you feel unsafe to be yourself at work?

    Are conversations about identity 'taboo' or off-the-table in your company culture?⁠

    Have you been through boring, ineffective, or infuriating DEIB trainings in the past that didn't change anything and caused more harm than good?⁠

    We understand that many leaders in organizations have great intentions that often leave a harmful impact. By making certain conversations 'off-limits" with the intention of creating a safe space, the result is that often people feel like they need to hide who they really are and what they believe in, and tensions continue to rise under the surface.⁠

    At Inheritance Project, we don't tell you what to think or how to behave, or teach generalizations about whole groups or cultures. Instead, we create a space each individual can reflect for themselves, and be seen and heard in their nuanced, complex, intersectional identity.

    We are currently experiencing a growing backlash against DEIB efforts. If you are a leader who wants to sustain a long-term shift towards equity and justice in your life and work, you need the skills to build bridges and engage those with different perspectives in a constructive way.

    Our program is designed to give you the skills you need to turn naysayers into the most enthusiastic collaborators.

  • Many coaches and training programs teach “inclusion” or “leadership” through an academic lens. ⁠

    Rather than giving you an experience of inclusion, they teach you about inclusion, in theory.

    Theory ≠ practice.

    Learning about something is not the same thing as experiencing it for yourself.⁠

    This program is designed to teach through experience. ⁠ We don’t just teach “about” our inclusive leadership tools; we use them during the workshops to give everyone the experience of these tools in action.

    Our co-founders are a multicultural team of experience designers who bring together various skills, expertise, and perspectives to create a process unlike any you’ve experienced before.⁠

    Our team draws upon the fields of education, mindfulness and meditation, theater and movement, executive strategy, creative problem solving, healing arts, game design, non-violent communication, and more.

    This program was not created by corporate trainers, and will be a breath of fresh air if you’re used to traditional “leadership training”.

    Learn more about Inheritance Project’s unique methodology here.



Our curriculum is designed to provide an experiential learning environment in which you’ll receive REAL, tangible tools and action steps to assist you in common workplace conundrums like:

  • Setting boundaries with clients or leaders

  • Telling someone ‘no’ in a way that strengthens the relationship rather than stifles it

  • Giving feedback to a team member

  • Addressing microaggressions

  • Staying calm in high-stress situations & uncomfortable conversations

Bonus: you can use these same tools to improve your personal relationships and artfully handle situations like conflict with a spouse or attending Thanksgiving dinner with a relative whose political views you find offensive.

All sessions are highly interactive and will involve somatic practices, individual reflection and small group dialogue. To get the most out of this program, we highly recommend joining all sessions live rather than only viewing the recordings.

See the full Curriculum here.